

2018-07-15 03:48:39
From: Brenda Baldwin-Dykstra
My dear friend Marilyn: When you say friend, what do you think of? Someone with similar interests, someone you don't see on a regular basis but is always on your mind, probably even someone close to your age? The latter was not our case, but you were so youthful there never seemed to be years between us. You have been a part of my life for as long as I can remember, and for years before that had been a school friend and neighbour of my mother and a friend to both of my parents. You were so much more to me than that, though. You were my friend and my confidant. We shared shopping trips and many, many cups of coffee and lunches. We laughed and cried together. We shared stories we had never told anyone else. Even though we were separated by time and miles, we shared many similar life experiences; some good choices and some poor ones. ​ You were always lovingly "My Other Mother" and you will forever remain in my heart and be my guiding light. I know you are happy to be with God and I have no doubt you've already claimed a special spot singing with the choir of Angels. Rest in peace my sweet Angel. ~ Brenda
2018-07-16 08:32:21
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